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Our Services & Methods

  • Building Customer Panels & insight communities. We’ve built our own Customer Panels (220,000 South Africans and 80,000 Brits). Panel building and maintenance is an ongoing journey. We can build bespoke Customer Panels and Insight Communities for our clients.
  • Online product tracking studies: To gain a YoY view relative to how customers feel about brands and products within the brand.
  • Deep dive & dip stick online surveys: These provide in-depth insight into customer feelings & behaviour about specific products.
  • Customer focus groups & customer interactions: We observe customer behaviour, attitudes and perceptions by organising & moderating discussion, brainstorming and thereafter interpreting results. Groups are held at our venues in Johannesburg, Sandton, Cape Town & London, as well as at our client’s stores, offices or a research venue. Clients attend the groups or live-stream in real-time. We also conduct Skype, Zoom and WhatsApp groups.  
  • In-store interceptsEngagement with customers on store floors, whilst they’re shopping.
  • Walk the talk: We walk with customers through a store (accompanied by a videographer) and observe their shopping behaviour.
  • Home product tasting trials: To find out how customers feel about products, whilst trialing them in a ‘real’ enviroment (in their own homes – with families; at work with colleagues; at gym with friends, etc). We hand them products, send an APP with an evaluation link and assimilate the response. 
  • Synopsis of trending customer conversations: We observe informal groups of customers, to find out what they are saying about our clients’ brand and products.